DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerWill the protection prayer wording, to address “all natural and unnatural disasters,” cover things like war, civil unrest and criminal activity?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
Indeed, this the case, and we agree with your inclination to keep this simple rather than begin constructing a list of further things. As you know, that could become restrictive and greatly widen the uncertainty of where to draw the line. The original conception of the prayer of protection was for personal safety, and that is just fine because charity begins at home and if all are safe individually, the Earth will be safe collectively. To have the prayer widened to include huge wide-scale issues like war, is taking on the whole loaf that is encompassed in the category of unnatural disasters. And so this applies specifically to the most dire consequence being injury or death of the persons praying and being prayed for, and that is a reasonable prioritization.