DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsWill the pedogate and pizzagate stories be important for opening up the truth about the secret government cabal?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
They will be important and you have seen the handwriting on the wall about this from your interview with Bob Hope, and now looking at the book by Brice Taylor about her being drawn into this vortex. This extends much more widely than anyone still is aware, and will be a very clear demonstration of corruption on a massive scale that begins to look quite abnormal and quite inexplicable, even considering human foibles and the frequency with which people indulge themselves in sexual excesses, and break the rules of society, and their marital vows, and so on. But keep in mind those, too, are from inner corruption, so it can be on a highly individual level and only affect that individual and perhaps one other person, or it can affect many, many, people and have ripples far and wide in a widening circle of pressures and counter pressures and many karmic layers, when the actions lead to situations where people are compromised, and then this is used as pressure to induce them to do additional wrongdoing or to cover up information, and that leading to other malfeasance. This is the case with the widespread wholesale corruption via sexuality that is part of many organizations and will help people understand the extent to which humans have been forced off track through outside manipulation.