DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingWill the new step I have added to the Holographic Memory Resolution process to ask Creator to impulse the deep subconscious mind with suggestions to look at certain things in the akashic records of greatest importance for the client’s chief concern, also benefit clients receiving routine HMR sessions not using subconscious channeling?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is quite true. It will empower all such sessions to have divine support and to be able to add guidance. This can help to focus things. Some people are quite scattered in their thoughts and will distract themselves even as the subconscious sets about connecting to the first cause in memory and then there may be a misdirection that results. These types of things can be avoided with divine guidance to steer the focus of attention to the most critical element the subconscious can connect with and give it the greatest weight as the starting point. As you know, this will typically bear the greatest fruit in changing a pattern of behavior stemming from an initial insult, which is such a common paradigm. Once a trauma occurs, following events of a similar nature will stir up this wound and worsen things greatly and get linked energetically to that first episode, which becomes a kind of anchor for the rest. Attending to the original insult has great power, as you know, to shift many subsequent experiences and clear them very quickly and much more easily, so this innovation will greatly empower the effectiveness of all HMR work.