DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaWill the Hamas-Israeli conflict be a significant further shock to the markets? Is such a pending heightening of tensions the reason for October 15 being a deadline to establish a short trade?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You saw intuitively, the reason why the market could have a sudden worsening. What people see on their television screens is the Israelis having the upper hand in pulverizing Gaza with less and less Hamas harassment and wherewithal in evidence. So the Israelis seem to have the upper hand and be in control, and a kind of eventual standoff is foreseen as has happened previously, where mounting civilian casualties will cause international pressure to constrain further military engagement, and then things will quiet down while both sides lick their wounds. This time is intended to be different. The Extraterrestrial Alliance wants a wider war and they will likely have one. So there are tremendous pressures being applied, and the relentless military campaign will push surrounding Arab sympathizers to the breaking point. So it is quite likely there will be a bloodbath and this will have worldwide, serious, repercussions of all kinds. Here again, letting the venom flow may be the lesser of evils if it can be contained such as to prevent World War III with superpowers jumping in and ending up at odds with one another in a military conflict. So there may be a second, and worse, round of sacrificial lambs needing to be slaughtered to be an outlet for the hatreds of those desiring revenge. Once that is sated, it will be easier to contain things and have a cooling-off period for leaders to regain their senses, as long as the superpowers stay out of the fight directly. We think the divine realm will be successful in seeing to this but again, the cost will be substantial to all involved in the conflict directly, and everyone around the world with the financial stress and disruption from the fear-based reaction. You can be sure the interlopers will be milking this for all it is worth, to further ramp up tensions and get other problems going to aggravate the situation. So time will tell if and when a plateau can be reached to allow a kind of stabilization.