DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsWill she benefit significantly from Deep Subconscious Channeling with Trauma Resolution for dealing with her traumatic childhood?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This will be wonderful for her because the wounds are so deep and, in a sense, she has suffered from stunted growth. The father’s harsh treatment demoralized her, leaving her without any inner safety with which to build self-confidence. And that is the springboard for future planning of all kinds, including moving towards a career or even being able to raise a family with a high quality of life. This has been perpetuated by living with the mother who has not stood up for her and that detachment, in its way, is a kind of damning presence to make her doubt herself. As she shared with you, she does have inner confidence and a great deal of courage as well. That is her spiritual side shining through but it is somewhat fragile still, and the inner fears from the unhealed wounds are being triggered by the presence of the darkness within, and that is making life uneven and undermining her best efforts to keep herself focused and do all she needs to do in dealing with two difficult daughters, as well as the mother who lives with her still.