DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerWill my client Prayer of Protection work as well over time given as a code word, or do clients need to restate the entirety on occasion to keep the intention strong?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
If you think about the reality of everything being in the Now, when the divine realm engages with an individual and follows the human request, for example, a prayer, if it is a prayer with an intention to persist, then a code word standing for that prayer does, in fact, represent the original intention. And while in your realm energy fades over time and distance, in the Now, everything is happening simultaneously. So a divine agent who arrives on the scene in response to the code-word will know the original intention directly by looking at the origin the code-word represents and will pick up from that point. So there will be no loss of energy involved here. If you think about this for a while, you will help yourself to come to grips with deeper understandings about the varying aspects of human intention and the causation resulting, and as well, the divine interaction and limits it may place at times on what the divine realm can do. So the difference in a general way is that a prayer of protection is an intention for permanent protection. Otherwise, what good would it be? You do not want the police to keep you safe for a day, or a week, or a month; you want it in perpetuity. The same is true of a prayer of protection. You would not logically construct such a prayer that had a time limit or expiration date. So that is understood by the intention. Most human thought, including most prayer, is done at the spur of the moment and with the focus of the moment, without much thought to qualifiers or conditions of implementation, and they may be making a quite general request, or a quite vague request, in many respects not knowing what is truly needed for instance. In the same way, the intention is launched to obtain a quick result. That is not always the best way to express a prayer request, for in a sense this can actually limit the outcome by constraining things to what can be done quickly and to then not persist to achieve a more lasting, long-term, and more thorough healing. This is why specificity yet again has its nuances and is important to understand, and to use a deeper understanding to help you navigate as you do your work and coach others to construct useful and effective prayer requests.