DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWill my client benefit from not using cannabis? Is that a factor in his repeated bouts of great fear?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
You have coached him about this issue previously, and it is the case that because of his combined long-term status in having had spirit attachments, coupled with his significant mind control manipulation by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to keep him constrained and build in inner triggers for self-harm and self-torment as a way of controlling his behavior and limiting his options, one of the worst things he can do, is to make himself vulnerable to inner thoughts. This is what gives a satisfying “high” to the recreational user and why they often couple use of cannabis with music listening or physical intimacy, because it potentiates the experience. The same is true on the negative end of the spectrum, that it will aggravate inner fear and ramp up any kind of misguided thinking to exaggerate its significance and amplify any fear that it is looming and could strike, and so forth. With his profile and history of repeated bouts of intense emotions, and given the alterations of his mind induced both by the drug use, as well as manipulations by the interlopers, he is likely to become his own worst enemy when using cannabis because its effects will potentiate the inner liabilities and make him less stable and more fragile, and this is a bad combination. As you appreciate, that will cause much distress. This is confusing to the user, who at the same time will have periods when the drug mellows things out and provides a soothing, and that is quite true. The problem is maintaining it and not having the pendulum swing towards the negative, and then having those painful emotions magnified in like fashion. The mind will often not see the association, but merely conclude they lost control of themselves and not see it as a drug-induced liability. But that is the case here to a significant extent, as you have seen with other clients who can do well in their day-to-day lives except when they are using cannabis, and then there will be a very rapid spirit intrusion that gets the better of them. And because their mind has been altered from the prior years of manipulation, they crumble easily, and have a terrible time from the severe fear and delusional thinking that begins to creep in. Given the pleasures they can also experience many times, and its powerful addictive hold, it is hard to convince people they are better off staying away from using cannabis in any form, but that will help your client more than hurt.