DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesWill it be a common outcome to get something less than total viral eradication down to the last viral particle? In other words, will it be advisable to take Creator’s Antiviral Regimen as a prophylactic measure life-long even if the interlopers are no longer actively spreading new viruses?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
This is actually the case, as we have alluded to in prior channelings, that what seems simple, even trivial, thinking of God as being all-powerful, that a lowly virus could be more successful in surviving a divine intervention requested and paid for through your services, plus the use of the antiviral regimen on a chronic basis as an adjunct, it would seem to be a given, surely, that it would be only a matter of time to become virus-free. But we can tell you that there are many individuals for whom it will not be possible to get a complete clearing during the course of their remaining lifetime because the rate of clearance will not be linear but asymptotic, so there will be a more rapid decline to low levels but then a slow pace that gets slower and slower without ever reaching a total absence. There are many reasons for this, some beyond your ability to understand concerning the energetics. It is something like the issue of dealing with human beings in wanting to persuade them to follow the leader and go somewhere. The majority will be cooperative if a suitable incentive is administered that is to their liking and particularly, if there are advantages for them in following the requests made to align their behavior in a desired fashion. But there will, inevitably, be some holdouts. This can be because, like with humans who are criminals and reach a level of disconnection such that they become true psychopaths devoid of a conscience, the ability to have any compassion or concern for anyone but themselves, the same will be true of these viruses that some will be beyond the pale. Keep in mind, as well, they are designed to be vicious predators. It is part of their makeup and what makes them an effective pathogen in the first place. So you are needing to heal the worst of the worst. They are not as complex and difficult subjects as people, but even so, their consciousness is still a force to be reckoned with and a level of cooperation is necessary for altering and removing them.