DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsWhy does the collective medical establishment consider hypnosis dangerous and taboo? Their aversion to it appears to go beyond a mere belief in its ineffectiveness. What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This thread of uncertainty and skepticism is very well-entrenched at this point because it has a long history. It is entirely engineered to happen and for the effects to have taken hold in this way, to act as a brake on progress and discourage newcomers to the field altogether, and those few who persist do so for narrow reasons that are still within acceptable boundaries, but will meet with resistance and obstruction if they venture into new territory too aggressively. The attitude of the medical establishment about use of hypnotism is a prejudice not supported by real evidence. It has been falsely maligned through distortions introduced by mind control manipulation, by the interlopers who keep the human culture a prisoner to their whims. They want humans to be subjugated and limited and are seeking to degrade things, not promote progress. That is an environment where true scientific inquiry will simply not get very far. The exceptions happen, because of the sheer volume of scientific research being done, so that occasionally someone will make a breakthrough observation and it comes to light without being squelched, but for each such instance there are a number of others that will have been stymied from the outset or discouraged along the way to be abandoned, and many interested scientists will change fields rather than remain in such an environment. It will simply seem to them that the field itself is not rich enough to provide fertile ground for a career that can be successful, either because it has already been mined out, so to speak, and nothing much found of value, or it might be too early and unlikely to yield fruit until some chance observations devise better tools, and so on. While some scientists do want an extreme challenge to work on, most aspire to having a successful career and must choose to go where the grant funding is, otherwise they will starve and will get very little done because money is lacking to support extended work in the field of hypnotherapy and its psychological underpinnings. The reality is the real action, with respect to human psychology, exists in a deeper part of the mind your channel has discovered, that science is still completely unaware of. It explains much about the vagaries of understanding the complexity of human behavior, its volatility, unpredictability, and often unsuccessful therapeutic management. The reality is the biggest part of the mind is unreachable to conscious awareness or even ordinary hypnotic trance procedures, but it is an untapped opportunity of tremendous importance that ultimately will revolutionize the field of human psychology as well as psychotherapy. The pioneering work is being done by your channel and not by the scientific establishment—that is a testament to the severity of things in terms of the missed opportunity this aversion to the use of hypnosis, through corrupted negative beliefs, has produced and maintains.