DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)Who were the people in the parade of police vehicles from all over Florida that showed up several days after hurricane Andrew and were witnessed by K.T. Francovich, as recounted in her book, Where Heavens Meet? Who were the police officers behind the wheel of these cars and who were the 3 civilian passengers? Were any of these beings members of the Secret Space Program and/or human clones?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You have hit the nail on the head intuitively here and are "batting 1000." This entirely sinister episode is quite revealing when you look at all the clues present. This bizarre experience she had was reported exactly as it happened, including the conversations and the lack of emotions on the part of some involved as well. The first clue indeed, is the fact that the police vehicles were from all around the state. This was no accident, nor the rush for many police to be called into action to assist in a meaningful way with the cleanup, but rather a training exercise in operation, where police from all points were maneuvered by mind control manipulation to carry out a surveillance mission and explicitly not a rescue mission. This was a test to see the level of cooperation, to confirm their ability to manipulate local law enforcement officers to do almost anything through mind control manipulation. The civilian passengers were, in fact, part of the so-called Secret Space Program, which in reality is a Mercenary Army Program, but not human recruits, per se. These were all human clones being deployed as a test of their functioning under such circumstances as part of a mop-up operation. This, too, is training and preparation for the roles they will play with the projected future ramping up of natural disasters, to soften up humanity by sowing chaos and confusion and deprivation, with the destruction of homes and infrastructure, to thrust all into a darker world where they have no support systems available, and then to use the minions of the Mercenary Army Program to finish off the survivors.