DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindWhen the upper subconscious connects to cordings comprising the emotional consequences of trauma, there will usually be a memory recall of the associated events in some form, so a person can describe the basic story, or a key event at least. Does that happen because the cording directs attention to the episodic memory channel of the event in the akashic records, or is there a summary of what happened accompanying the emotions within the cording itself?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
The latter description is the case here. The upper subconscious cannot connect directly to the akashic records except through an intuitive gateway and that, few people will be able to use with discernment and clarity. What is happening is that the emotion-based cording contains within, a kind of intelligence, a kind of high-level information content depicting the context of the negativity it represents, and that does not exist in a vacuum but is, in fact, tied to the circumstances of the trauma episode. So there is a kind of descriptive label attached to the energetic discord to put it in context. This is merely illustrating that your system of construction and the consciousness operating things on many levels is a highly intelligent design of great elegance and exquisite sensitivity. All that is missing at times, and this unfortunately, is most of the time for many, is clear thinking on the part of the individual in response to flashes of memory or emotional changes that come along. If these are not appreciated and pondered a bit to help make sense of them they will be a missed opportunity to address and perhaps accomplish something in the way of healing. That is the purpose for the information content of the cordings, to provide a successful and intelligible communication to serve forward progress. All too often, the recipient is not aware of or open to the fact such things can have great meaning and are always a cry for help to be taken seriously.