DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsWhen the extraterrestrials travel into the future to help them plan their manipulations to better ensure a desired outcome, are the consequences different from their traveling into the past? Instead of stopping the present, does the entire Galaxy continue as before? Are such journeys into the future just for observation and without the need to change anything? Can you give us a tutorial to help us understand how their future time travel affects us?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago

The truth of things here, is there is far less complexity in terms of consequences in going into the future than into the past. The future is indefinite and ever-changing, with a myriad of influences in the flow and flux of the creation of all that is happening in the present moment. As such, every potential represented by those things coming to bear in what crystallizes into the present reality are future potentials by their very nature, and as such, will create a future life extension or an influence on a future life extension that is blending with the futures of all others in a kind of composite. This is much like the meetings of fibers in a rope, being quite small individually, but together adding to a whole that has a meaning and purpose in creating that future potential. In a sense, it is a kind of fore-tasting of things, a provisional simulation, and that is an intentional mechanism in the way of energy. It is almost a kind of stabilizing feature, much like using a cane for walking when there is uncertainty and an inherent instability, like having one good leg and one bad leg. Having a cane can stabilize things and allow a steady and uneventful journey forward without delay or collapse occurring. As the future is so ephemeral, being volatile and ever-changing with respect to many things, it has a modest but useful steadying effect on the present. It is like consciousness feeling its way along with an arm and hand extended to sample the environment to better feel what lies ahead and note any hazards or obstructions to allow a course correction.

We have said before, there is feedback from the future that has an influence on the present and the past, and that is the nature of consciousness, that it is not time-bound to begin with and is, in effect, everywhere at once. The issue then boils down to what does it know and when does it know it, and to what extent can that be accessed and turned into useful knowledge, in some respect, as a form of guidance. Many things, given the intuitive nature of consciousness, will be felt as an inner stirring, a degree of disquiet perhaps, or a feeling of hesitancy. Those are gut-level sensing of potential future complications and liabilities giving pause to the being's sensorium and, if heeded, can be prophetic whether or not events play out in a way satisfying conscious awareness one has avoided a misstep or a hazard. So that is a major basic value of this arrangement, despite the uncertainty and volatility inherent with your paradigm of free agency and free will. The system is designed to accommodate every nuance in providing feedback mechanisms and alternatives in how information can be applied for human betterment. Even for that which is intuitive and uncertain, many times, it is that feeling of hesitation and inner doubt that will change the present enough to seek a wiser path forward in some respect and thus avoid great difficulty that was only sensed quite indirectly. And that can be invaluable, even if not fully appreciated in its true meaning and benefits.

So, given that there are many, many, future projections, what the extraterrestrials are doing in traveling along such a projection to observe the future will be one of many, many, discrete future life projections with respect to the individual components comprising the whole. And thus, each individual projection can influence many others, but this is a function of what one is doing to generate the projection, whether a solitary time of inner reflection and withdrawal from the fray, or a time of great action and purpose, even on the world stage by many. So the makeup of their energies may have a range of possible consequences in affecting the whole or even a significant influence on a single other individual. What this means is, that the extraterrestrials can go into the future quite frequently to do checks on things without greatly perturbing the present or the past, although at some point there is danger of such perturbation creating a kind of looping of influence that will reach back into the future and change things that end up occurring in actuality. The question is, how discrete and careful the extraterrestrials behave in doing their future timeline inspection. That is where there is an opportunity to err on the side of caution and this is an issue not lost on the beings in question, because they want an accurate reading of the future uncontaminated from perturbation of their visits to check the tenor of the time, so to speak, and gather details about places and the culture underway, and perhaps activities of specific individuals and groups important for their planning.

This is yet another reason for the slow nature of things with respect to committing in the present to a particular course of action. Much of their waiting that contributes to continued delay of plans they wish to carry out, is that the closer they get to the future they want to see come about, the more clearly they might be able to discern with greater accuracy the probability of outcomes. When there is great volatility, they will see many possibilities vying for dominance and that adds a great deal of uncertainty and confusion to things because there is not one future but many. It is only very close to the present moment that the future is more uniform and stable, because everything is converging to bring about the near future. The further along that timeline one goes, the more there is a divergence of the many current potentials, and the origin of new things that are projected possibilities begin to create a subtext and an alternative future, until there are many, many, available and ongoing, each one being volatile in its own right and together, creating an endless myriad of variabilities as they harmonize or create discord with one another.

Given the future life projections of many, many, soul-based beings which can be an influence on the whole, especially with respect to the large-scale events of greatest importance for the extraterrestrials, those are the hardest to pin down, in fact. It is more likely seeing the future of an individual will be more reliable a reflection of where they are headed. So small events on a local level of influence can be more readily modified in the present with a degree of confidence than making changes capable of altering the future of a large segment of society to match their dark intentions. That volatility is a major source of hesitation demanding caution on the part of the Extraterrestrial Alliance in committing to specific manipulations in the present moment. So, you can be sure if Creator has difficulty in accurately predicting the future because of the phenomenon of free will being universal in your galaxy, you can be sure that the Extraterrestrial Alliance will have even greater trouble because they do not have our reach and discernment, in that they represent only a small part of our consciousness.