DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialWhen the Earth ascends along with humanity living in the physical upon her at the time, will it be an ascension like Jesus, “under his own power,” or more like an “assumption,” “depending on the power of God?” Will the experience be similar for everyone directly involved, or will it vary wildly based on multiple factors? Will it be blissful for all, or only for some? Will it be pleasurable or painful, or will that vary as well? Will it be “fatal” for any, having them end up in limbo rather than making it to “the Other Side?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Ascension is either full and complete or will not occur at all on an individual basis. Not all will be ready at the same time, not all may choose to go, so there will be a wide array of experiences at varied times and places across the planet because some cultures are more advanced in their healing, and will be ready for ascension sooner as a culture, so a much higher percentage of their citizens will be leaving. It will be like a series of waves that will sweep through a region. This will serve as an example to others of what can be done. This is why teaching and awareness are key in fully preparing as many as possible to be a part of the ascension, so it will become a goal desired by all and help people to become motivated to prepare effectively. Keep in mind humans will still have free will. A decision to not ascend can happen through being out of alignment too greatly to understand and appreciate what one is giving up, but that might have to be honored if it is chosen with strong conviction. That does not mean such individuals will be condemned to oblivion. Healing will still be underway for all, and that will continue as long as it might be needed until all are saved, all are rescued, and all are ascended. It will be a joyous experience for all, not a painful one. Indeed, it is the answer for pain because it will raise you up from the human perspective which is a limited state of existence and in many ways an absence of joy. Things will only get better during, and as a result of, ascension. It is not to be feared, it is a rebirth into a perpetual future of joy beyond your comprehension.