DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessWhen sentient entities are granted free will, evil appears to be an unavoidable potential. As such, being unavoidable, it appears to be intrinsic to sentient consciousness. Is evil a design element of sentient consciousness? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 8 months ago
There is an unfortunate limitation in your question in that evil is an exceptionally broad category and is described in a kind of black-or-white labeling, where evil does not belong, as though it is somehow a grievous error that needs not only correction but to be prevented at all costs as perhaps a high goal for humanity. We see evil quite differently. It is not an either/or choice, existing or not existing. Evil, like beauty, is in the eye and mind of the beholder much more than people usually recognize, yet society recognizes not all evil is equivalent. This is why there is a body of law dealing with misdemeanors as well as felony crimes of a more serious nature and, in some parts of the world, capital offenses meriting a death warrant. The existence of evil is most unfortunate and we see it as more a kind of folly than an inescapable poison needing to be stamped out entirely to the last vestige of its existence. We see more clearly that evil is a question of degree in the implementation of a mix of soul attributes usually conferring some extra privilege or power someone can enjoy for a time or benefit from, not available to the average person, and that is the allure, to cut corners, to exploit the system to look for an advantage to gain for the self, perhaps at the expense of others, even if just a convenience to make life easier by taking something away that does not belong to the person. In every case, no matter what the evil act might be, if you were to break it down into its component parts, motivations, and potential consequences and, in particular, if more than one soul attribute is considered as being in the mix, which is undoubtedly the case as human beings have a complex makeup, always, it is possible to discern the source and nature of the various motivations and kinds of energy being deployed. And with a growing understanding of the intended purpose for exercising those attributes, perhaps well-intentioned initially but just reaching an unhealthy level of intensity or duration so they cross a line, they intrude on someone else's area of influence or responsibility, and thus compete unfairly by not belonging in the first place. There are many ways people work the system to take advantage of others through cheating, currying special favor, sabotaging others by starting rumors or making false accusations about others to an overseer or supervisor, the proverbial stabbing in the back of office politics, and then on to more grievous offenses and actual crimes, physical assault, sexual abuse, property crimes, and homicide. If you start with a tragedy that has come about and trace back its history, if you had our ability to see the energetics of all intentions and their historical context, you would see as we do, it is like the weaving of the strands of a rope, a series of many small things joining together to become a more urgent agenda, and perhaps an imperative at some point, so to not act on it becomes impossible. Something so heinous as a killing might have begun over a long span of time, even multiple lives, of feeling powerless, inadequate, and left behind, so a compensatory attempt to garner more personal power and influence may become increasingly a focus and agenda for the victim, if only as a reaction to their own weakness, and often becomes transformed along the way from an attempt to regain one's equilibrium and a better life balance to reach a tipping point where something is taken to an excess and gets out of hand. Power, for example, becomes a corrupting influence when indulged too greatly. It can even become addicting, especially if not countered by other soul attributes that would have a moderating influence, to create competing interests that have a softer focus and provide a healthy outlet for regained power so it is applied to humanitarian agendas or building a friendship or love relationship through the sharing of that power with others in a healthy way that earns respect and a desire to have the individual within the fold, so to speak, as a colleague, friend, or lover. So what could go wrong with unbridled exhibition and its attainment may well be healthy when used more judiciously and sensibly applied. So we are taking pains to point out there is too much black-or-white thinking, especially in the implementation of your legal system that seeks to label people as a criminal, a wrongdoer, and that label will be construed as their being defective. This is a prescription for ostracism and exclusion from reentry into society once they are incarcerated, so it creates a lot of dead-end lives. The unfortunate reality is this is encouraged by the interlopers to happen, and this is why things never seem to come about in wanting rehabilitation of wrongdoers. But a major part of the reason why this is so difficult is that evil is not a unique attribute or characteristic that could be excised somehow, as by amputation, to cure the problem. The various components of evil in thoughts, feelings, and actions are made up of many essential attributes that are inherent in the being and cannot be extirpated nor would this be desirable except perhaps to a degree. The cure for criminality is divine intervention to bring love to the perpetrators in a way that can unravel those connecting strands of inner need and painful times leaving a wounding. Until that is repaired, the person will be at risk of overcompensating and doing things inimical to their interests, and destructive, to make up for the damage done to them.