DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWhen putting these questions together, a pundit on a podcast playing in the background commented, “This might be the most dramatic turnaround in NFL history.” The Lions are now favored by Las Vegas oddsmakers to win the Super Bowl. That is actually shocking to a lot of fans and observers. Many have commented that to the extent the Lions were once cursed, they are now blessed. Where previously everything was destined to go wrong, now they are destined to not only go right but brilliantly so. The Lions, in just the last three years, have not only drafted good players but arguably numerous future Hall of Fame players. Many have commented they appear to be a “TEAM OF DESTINY.” In a world increasingly secular, the very concept of someone or some group as having a destiny implies something nonrandom and spiritual in origin. A “HAND OF DESTINY” guiding the fortunes. It would be interesting to know how many reputed atheists still believe in destiny. What can Creator tell us about the concept and reality of destiny?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago

Destiny, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder but in the hands of the individual whose life is on the line. When you come down to incarnate as a physical being, you are almost always returning to the fray, having been here many times before, and you will reconnect to the energies of all that preceded your new incarnation and will begin to be buffeted about by the karmic influences of what is on record that will be cycling back to you automatically through the Law of Karma. That is the closest thing to destiny within the physical plane as a force and an inner logic. There is a life plan generated by you in conjunction with us whilst you were still in the light. Much of it is designed to help you reckon with prior karmic burdens that will need to be managed and, to whatever extent possible, healed to overcome them in order to stay in the game and not be overwhelmed and perhaps die young, in which case coming back again and again is a downward spiral of failure that only increases the challenges and may become hopeless. So in the same way as your actions as a human being determine your karmic future fate, in the sense of the powerful energies, bad or good, that will be returning to you as an influence, and a powerful one, on all that takes place and will determine much about your life, how it proceeds, and the degree to which you are challenged and perhaps fall by the wayside if you are unable to meet the challenges and surmount them, the planning from the light, just like your acts as a human in the physical, are ultimately decided by you. You do consult us but it is you who decide what you will be doing, how you will go about it, and what the major goals are for each new lifetime.


So what we are wanting to impress upon you is that destiny is predetermined, at least as a projection of possibilities that are desired to happen, but it is done by you. It might be in alignment with God's will but it will not be God alone determining your fate and how that comes about. We will be a supporting influence and, to the extent there is belief in us, we can be involved to a greater or lesser degree using the mechanisms of inspiration, guidance via your conscience, the higher self in charge of supporting you during your lifetime. So it is very much the case that your destiny is in your hands, primarily, and this is why we encourage each of you to do your utmost, to do your best and make the most of your opportunities, because everything counts and everything matters, both in the short-term and in the long-term as well because, in a very practical and real-world sense, your future depends on the present, backed by and influenced by all of your past.