DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialWhen people think of heaven, it’s easy to think of it as one destination, but isn’t that ridiculously simplistic? That would be like thinking, when you die you go to Europe. But Europe is a BIG place with lots of variety. When you die do you go to England, France, or Romania? If you go to France, do you go to Paris or Marseilles? We’ve been told there are different “levels” to heaven. When Earth ascends, does it ascend to heaven, and if the answer is a qualified “yes,” can Creator explain that “yes” in more detail?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
There, indeed, are multiple levels that are essentially differing dimensions of which the heavenly realm is comprised. This is because there are many kinds of beings and modes of being, some of which are lofty, others less so, but representing a state of being in progress. This is much like life in the physical where, depending on your point of origin at birth, the status and accomplishments of your family, the state of the economy, and political control influencing the culture, you will have one of many, many differing experiences. As all nations are not the same, all locations are not the same, and the culture is quite varied, it is like that in heaven also. Those who have been troubled and difficult, and influenced greatly by the darkness, will be on a lower level in the heavenly realm than those who are lightworkers, helpers, humanitarians, and healers. This is all a function of energy because your energy defines much about your current expression. There is always a potential for change, but you are a work in progress. The process of ascension will take you to the highest level and that will be your new vantage point as well as a springboard for further greatness. It is that greatness we look forward to, in representing a new paradigm, in allowing a greater freedom that will be granted throughout the universe in stages with you as supervisors and helpers to show the way, to monitor and guide, and help to correct mistakes and difficulties as they arise so it can be done peacefully and in a positive and helpful manner. That is what makes learning possible to begin with, as well as successful ultimately, loving support and a genuine motivation to assist in the creation of a successful outcome for all involved. Because the raising up of others raises up the self, and in the new paradigm you will be a part of, having lived that in your experiencing, you will understand how to guide things for the further creation of that expanded perspective and, as a light being supreme, you will enjoy especially, helping others with their expansion and greater growth. It is the ultimate creation of something new for which you receive rewards and satisfaction.