DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWhen I change something in my Lightworker Healing Protocol, do I need to notify all my previous students or will the Protocol be done according to the modifications I make if people are intending my Protocol to be applied?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
When you make a change in your Protocol, you do need to notify your students of the change so they can set the intention to have the new paradigm implemented on their behalf. This is no different than any other prayer work. If based on false notions or a more primitive awareness of how the divine realm functions, the effectiveness of the prayer will be diminished compared to someone who does have a greater understanding of the divine reach, and the rules of engagement, and so on. Your Protocol is different in that regard because it has to be acted on by divine realm and we follow human intention quite closely. The intention of the practitioner using the Protocol wording is what guides the process, not your intention from a distance. Deciding on a change to the Protocol and therefore creating a departure from what current practitioners are doing, you must inform them and bring them up to speed if you wish them to have the current state-of-the-art.