DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWhen a message is given that does not align with the light, what is it that we are being asked to accept?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
There are many ways of teaching. If you only hear about love, you will not be ready to face what happens when love is not around, or in evidence. In the universe there is the duality of things in the law of opposites, that everything has a counterposing force, and this is how balance is maintained. There is always a push for every pull. So there is an up for a down. There is a left for right, and there is a good for a bad, and on and on. And so the way things are governed will be the orchestration of what happens through these energies in all ways. What takes place as you come forth is you are given a set of potentials and this is governed by your history, and everything you learned to up to the point of your incarnation, and then you are launched forth as a free agent in the world. And all of that knowledge can only affect you indirectly, because of memory suppression. This was done to you, not by us, but by the very interlopers who you struggle with continually. They are the ones who deny you your deep memory of your heritage, and your ability to connect with divine realm is similarly corrupted. That is keeping you in a kind of state of limbo, even while alive. This is up to you to fix and we can assist you with this as well, but you need to ask for this to have it happen.