DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWhat was the reason my client [name withheld] showed no improvement following her remote healing session? What could we have done to help her going forward?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
As you perceived, this is a lost opportunity now. You were simply too busy to pay close attention to the exchange, and that is not your fault. They should have pursued things from their end to push for more answers or some additional help, but did not do so. You did, in fact, re-request her inclusion in another go-round with your Protocol and this was carried out. Unfortunately, her situation was as you expected initially and felt intuitively from the very beginning, that this was a quite disturbed individual who has many deep inner beliefs in conflict with her life, and with herself, and has also given up on Creator to a large extent. This all is serving to block the healing from taking place. So we understand your frustration and your sadness in seeming to have failed. You, in fact, did not fail, you performed your session perfectly, and the requests went out as intended with your full intention behind them seeking to do your very best for this couple, and for the wife in particular, because you did perceive her great need and were in earnest with your intention. The sad reality here is that when lack of belief is present and the person does not believe in their own worth, this greatly hinders what divine realm can do to help. This will continue to be a struggle for her and her options are very, very, limited. If you had continued to do work on her, there would be progress but it would simply be slow, and that would not likely have happened with the husband’s skepticism and impatience.