DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersWhat was the reason for the suicide of my client’s husband? Would doing a channeling of him be helpful to her?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This unfortunate outcome was a state of inner fear that was orchestrated to overwhelm him, and this was facilitated by the interlopers. He was seen as someone who could be manipulated in this way and was subsequently targeted. This is a very sad situation, but is an act of revenge for his wife seeking help with healing, and that retribution was carried out to punish her. This is certainly not for her ears nor to make you feel bad in any way. Fear of what might happen is never justification to withdraw aid for a person in need. So there will be no adverse karmic consequences here for you in giving her assistance, not knowing such an event might take place. The blame falls on the interlopers alone, and they will pay the karmic debt that resulted. Similarly, her involvement indirectly is not her choosing, but the simple consequence of the prior involvement she had with the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and this created risk for her and everyone involved with her potentially. They consider their subjects as personal property to be manipulated and controlled, and when they begin taking independent action, will be reeled in, and if that is not possible there may be a sterner response to slow them down by causing difficulty of some kind. That is certainly the case here, where the fallout has been dramatic indeed and very tragic. As she correctly sees, her life will never be the same, and this is not literally true, as she can move on and have love again down the line, but all involved here are feeling the pain and loss and wondering why, and feeling some personal responsibility which is undeserved. The channeling would be quite productive because he could give her direct reassurance about her not being responsible, which is truly what she needs to hear at this point, to help her sort through her confusion and her fears and feelings of guilt. She did not see this coming, and so did nothing to intervene. It is a common aftereffect in the wake of such a death, so this would be quite helpful. If you want to hear the fuller story, you can talk to him independently as well, and he can explain what took place in the sequence of events. But of course, it will not help the wife to have her worst fears realized in this way, but it will be instructive for others, and in particular, your students, in appreciating that dealing with the doings of the Extraterrestrial Alliance can have grave consequences at times. Again, we would caution all to be aware that the sanctity of the soul is absolute, and when healing is needed and requested it becomes a duty, and then an obligation, to answer the call, and take on the task without hesitation due to other concerns such as the consequences for personal safety. This is something that can be requested by the practitioner specifically, to defuse these kinds of situations, but it will be difficult to know many times something like this could happen. People are often unaware, as you know, of their service as an alien abduction victim or a member of the Mercenary Army program and will never make a connection to a request for help as going off the reservation. They may have misgivings, but will likely attribute them to nerves and some concern about the process of opening up. That they're concerned about privacy is normal, when in fact it may be reinforced heavily by mind programming to avoid looking into their past, especially with an outsider. So, many inner threats may be triggered if the person decides they truly need help and are not aware consciously that there are these manipulations in place to be triggered.