DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionWhat was behind the teenager I was asked about, becoming dark and menacing, acting strangely, and ultimately, stabbing his mother? Will he be helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset?
Nicola Staff asked 10 months ago
As you saw intuitively, this is a spirit meddler manipulation from first to last, a classic case of spirit possession running amuck where the spirits have gained the upper hand and pushed this young lad into crossing a boundary it will be very hard to step back from. People will not always forgive such a betrayal nor will trust ever be reestablished to the same degree. We believe in motherhood and the power of love so will not rule anything out. These two deserve one another in a very deep soul connection sense. It has been threatened before in other lifetimes by tragedy and no less in the current incarnation together as mother and son. It is most unfortunate, always, with a perpetuation of karmic difficulty that only adds more grief and more resistance to change by worsening things energetically. That is the consequence of every act of evil. Few appreciate it is often adding to a pile of past karmic trauma being caused and with consequences ensuing to darken the lives of those involved, perpetrator and victim alike. One never knows, with any particular transgression, when it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back resulting in an irrevocable consequence like the death of someone or a legal consequence that will follow the person around for the duration of their incarnation with a felony record, for example, as well as estrangement from former loved ones because of what has transpired. The protocol work is just what is needed to begin to right these wrongs. It will be effective, if not totally for repairing all the damage in the current life, but the future of those involved will be all the better for the healing that is underway. It goes far beyond the current life and that, too, is quite needed to clear the slate. We will work on this in earnest.