DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyWhat role does karma play when it comes to good people taking advantage of perverse incentives? Many have said that humans are an incentive-driven species perhaps more than good-intention-driven. Certainly, that can be said about the interlopers. In this discussion so far, we have not discussed bad-intention-driven actions that might create a good outcome. How much does karma take intention into account, versus what actually happens? Imagine a gang member on his way to murder a rival, who is ambushed and beaten but not killed. The one doing the beating becomes an unwitting hero of sorts. How does karma view this example? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
There are many things in life that appear to be ironic to an observer, but that is not a part of what karma does because that is a subjective interpretation in seeing one set of circumstances in contrast to another. As such, it is an intellectual activity and not a consequential outcome of intention put into actions of some kind that affect the real world energetically. Having bad thoughts will harm the thinker but not those around them. Someone who intends to harm others, and in the process short-circuits plans that would be causing a larger crime if they went forward without interruption, does not get credit for blocking a karmic event that is highly negative for others. In fact, the person intending to commit an act of murder has committed a karmic transgression, with respect to their own soul, from the contemplation of wrongdoing. That is the energy of consciousness at work, and this is why people are of greatest danger to themselves, because their mind and its distortions and corruptions is ever-present on a lifelong basis, and they may well end up as essentially a victim of who they are or have become through the pressures and worsening of things brought about by the interlopers in many cases. So karma is The Great Leveler and this is because it has infinite reach. No one can escape its reckonings. But, at the same time, it is very, very precise in how it reckons with energy in recognizing karmic obligations and accountability as well as in meting out an energetic force as an inducement to motivate someone to take corrective action to rebalance things. There are many times more than one mitigating factor in how karma reckons with wrongdoing, and this is obvious to all, that many things are minor in the grand scheme and others quite serious, the common examples often used being petty theft versus murder of another. When an act of wrongdoing is done to save the self or someone else, perhaps their family, these constitute mitigating factors and are always considered, and where the energy and the analysis comes from is the intentions being held by the individuals involved. So someone recognizing they are seemingly at their wit's end and might need to steal food to feed their children will at least hold the intention and awareness they are compromising higher values in order to meet their personal emergency and many times will have an experiencing of regret in acknowledgment. It is the sociopaths, those devoid of conscience, who can exploit and take from others with impunity and no concern for their welfare whatsoever. So the energy of intention is a kind of yardstick that will self-assign accountability and to what extent a mitigating factor can make a difference in a karmic payback. You can be sure there is nothing overlooked in the way the system operates. Being divine and following divine principles, it will not always meet agreement and appreciation by human beings in how karma, and the Law of Karma enforcing its operating principles, affects the lives of everyone, but we can assure you that in each and every instance the consequences of a karmic comeuppance will be, at least initially, quite closely governed to be energetically equivalent to the transgression it is reminding the individual needs their attention and commitment to improving things. With things being in motion and unfolding on a continual basis, achieving perfection will be variable, and this is because the energies are ever-changing, and that instability can create periods of discordance, and things will not fit perfectly that might be taking place at any given time point, but eventually there will be an averaging of the energies and their consequences in a way that will provide the needed incentives and feedback for those involved to learn the karmic lesson intended from having such an oversight mechanism to begin with. The major downside is the fact people are unaware of the Law of Karma and the role it plays in much of what takes place in your world. In the same way, there is a neglect of spirituality. This is all because of an intentional suppression of important knowledge enforced by the interlopers who do not want you to flourish and work to keep you in the dark.