DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsWhat makes bees sting one person and not another, are the bees sensing their energy somehow?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
There are a variety of reasons that can provoke a bee sting, but the energy of the human is sensed quite keenly by a bee nearby or landing on the person’s body. If there is inner discord, the bee may well interpret this as a threat and will go on the attack. This has nothing to do directly with the specific thoughts the person might harbor. If a person is simply wanting the bee to leave them alone but has no design on them or their hive, the bee will not differentiate inner discord from an emotional turmoil deep within and the conscious awareness and thoughts. This is why many stings take place when a person may be totally unaware a bee has landed on them, so there is no direct thoughts about the bee whatsoever but, nonetheless, the person is seen as a threat. It is not that they simply detect the presence of another creature, perhaps of considerable size, which could mark them as a danger, it is strictly the energy held and how the bee classifies this with its knowledge base in deciding how to react. This is one of the reasons we discussed with you recently, the fact that bees are quite in tune with human in many, many ways with their consciousness, and this is why they can read a person’s inner energetic signature with great accuracy. The fact it is not discernible by human beings is a testament to their detachment from reality and the lower level of functioning humans exhibit because of their manipulation by the extraterrestrials controlling them.