DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingWhat is the situation with the two clients I worked on yesterday? Will we see results now or will repeat work be needed?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
Time will tell as things are in flux. We see these individuals as being ready to make their way—that is the most important criterion. This is not always the case because the inner deep subconscious will have its own ideas and sense of things that may differ greatly from the perspective of an outside observer. So even in an individual institutionalized with no apparent communication to the outside world may be clinging to life avidly, and have no thought of escape in this way, so the very idea will be foreign and may go against deeply held beliefs about duty obligation, and not wanting to have special consideration, or to have a bending of the rules on their account because of programming by religious training, and so forth. Those will be the most difficult to assist but, as we have shared with you, this is very much worth doing because it can help so many end their suffering and help the whole of humanity by having their ugly experience ended so healing can begin in earnest.