This is a complex question to answer because there are a huge number of historical references that would need to be unraveled. The records are woefully incomplete to allow this to happen in a way that would make sense and satisfy the modern reader. We can tell you that the number has great import, but has not been fully understood and appreciated as to its meaning and origins. You are on the right track intuitively in drawing this number into a discussion about important human turning points and human capability, particularly with respect to humanity prevailing under difficult circumstances when under siege and put to an ultimate test affecting the likelihood of their very survival. The true origin of this number was reflecting the awareness of how many souls among humanity were sufficiently enlightened to be on track with spiritual growth as opposed to a growing dishevelment and a downward trajectory moving more backwards than forwards, or simply in a holding pattern through complacency and neglect, to not attend to spiritual growth, to spiritual matters and their own upliftment, growth, maturation, and contribution to the human enterprise.
This, after all, is why you are all here. None of you came here to be spectators. None of you come here for entertainment or to be successful in some way or another by ordinary human standards. You all came to advance the cause of the divine, whether you believe this or not. Most human beings who have less invested and are not as bold are sitting this out because the times are tough. The demands will continue to increase. The risks are high of having a calamity befall you and your loved ones with all that is being planned and projected to happen by the true controllers of the world. This is not a number that represents a quorum critical to the survival of humanity. We have been asked to give such a number and politely decline because we do not want people to think in terms of such absolutes, because it is a complex equation of energy that is needed, not a head count per se. The level of contribution matters, but the contributions of many done in small ways can compensate for the lack of individuals with a high level of awareness and spiritual standing and spiritual reach who can be the most effective to enlist divine assistance.
So, what we are saying is this was a historical benchmark applied to the question of how humanity was doing with regard to those in spiritual alignment and those not, but is not a magic number in the sense of representing a quorum needed for human survival and success. That is variable because, keep in mind, the world and its energies are ever-changing. At the same time, the clock is ticking. Those using the Lightworker Healing Protocol are healing humanity and the interlopers, both, that healing effort works to reduce the sum total of other efforts that will be needed to turn the tide, to reach a tipping point where the human future is essentially a given and inevitable. So, this is a dynamic interplay of energy that is always shifting. It sometimes moves forward and sometimes moves backward with the interplay of the darkness, its earnestness, its focus and intensity of intention. That too is a variable and amenable to healing because it is working in opposition to divine principles and represents a flaw, a limitation, and a degradation of their own souls.
This is why healing is the answer, because it can counteract directly the impulse to engage in wrongdoing. That is true healing, indeed, and it is why the human enterprise will be successful if you keep going. We can tell you more are needed to be in the struggle. We say that to encourage you and not as a would-be dampener, discouragement, or an undermining. That is the last thing we would do under present circumstances, nor will we tell you success is guaranteed, because we know what will happen, humans will relax and some will begin to stand down and turn their attention elsewhere, believing our words that success is in hand and their efforts will truly no longer be needed and their potential inconvenience and energy can be repurposed for something more personally beneficial in the near-term. If that happens on a large scale, all will be lost. It is too soon to stand down. It is too soon to be complacent.
The biggest demand for energy will be at the very last moments. There are complex reasons why this is so and beyond the purview we can engage in with you in this setting—but what it speaks to is a reality where all are important, and all must be involved, if at all possible. That is your best guarantee. It is much more effective, certain, beneficial, and uplifting to win a campaign by a landslide than by the narrowest of margins. History teaches, if nothing else, that large majorities are much safer and much more certain to accomplish their intended goals. That is what we wish for humanity, for a groundswell of concerted effort done by many, many individuals who take these words seriously and redouble their commitment to the divine to do all they can. We are not asking for them to give up what they have, materially, or devote all their time and energy to charitable work. We are only asking people to do regular prayer on behalf of the human enterprise, to raise up and heal the interlopers and then humanity as a whole, and if possible, explore and investigate using the Lightworker Healing Protocol yourselves, personally.
Anyone can use it with effectiveness if there is sufficient belief in the divine. It is simple, it is straightforward and it works on its own. You are simply the requester. You do not have to heal yourselves, you are simply asking in an intelligent, comprehensive, lucid fashion for the divine to go to work on behalf of all who you wish to uplift. You will be included as well. We work on every practitioner using the Protocol to give them the full benefit of what it can achieve. It is a win-win. So, it is only a question of interest and initiative. It is the tool available to all. You can be one of the magic number. It is your choice if you wish to be counted in the roster of the great contributors to humanity. That role is available to all who sign on.
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