DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWhat is the reason for my client to have so many problems hitting him all at once? What can we do to help?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
What is happening is an accumulation of karmic trauma that is centered around the general age bracket he has reached. Karma is very much like this. It looks for matching energies and often there are milestones in life such as coming of age, getting married, having a career, having a downturn of some kind, or setback in one part of the life activities, all of which can align with prior lifetimes of difficulty where there were similar presenting circumstances and things went badly. The deep subconscious is constantly scanning to see what it can learn from other lives lived and will be worrying about the current life with respect to all that has gone on before. It looks for patterns, it looks for reoccurrences, it looks for parallels and may take to heart anything that it notices that could represent a significant threat in the current moment, and it may well exaggerate old circumstances in the fear they will be repeated. This is not necessarily logical but is what the mind will do. It is a more primitive level of the mind, less sophisticated, less able to do analytical thinking and problem-solving. It is reactionary, highly emotional, and mainly functions through pattern recognition looking for similar circumstances and energies that resonate with the current life experience in some way. This will happen again and again because there are many circumstances that need to be encompassed by a set of emotions, and while there are some gradations of intensity and some nuances, by and large, many feelings are generic and applied to a multitude of circumstances. So having a resonance between a current life circumstance and prior lifetimes is readily generated and will tend to worsen things because the prior life experiences of failure and challenge will pile on and make the current life potentially overwhelming to cope with. That is what has been brewing here. There are enough experiences in other lifetimes that are being triggered and revisited and are piling on to create a formidable challenge. To keep moving forward there needs to be healing brought to bear for this karmic legacy. This can be done over time with a divine healing session using the Lightworker Healing Protocol to start a divine intervention going and that can chip away at his circumstances over time and help to lessen the load. This will not be an overnight fix because the roots are very deep and wide so there is much that awaits healing but the important thing is to get started and have the attempt ongoing to dial back the magnitude of this pileup. That will be quite important in order to make progress under these circumstances.