DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)What is the range of capabilities of these human replicas made by the Mercenary Army Program (Secret Space Program) compared to the original person?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
So this technology is the same in creating the human replicas as with the alien Greys. It is a semi-synthetic construct that uses human DNA with the engineered portions of the alien Grey to create a humanoid with a visible likeness of the human providing the DNA for the replica, but this is a more refined version. It is very similar to what humanity would do to create an artificial intelligence akin to the alien Greys but based on human biology and appearance rather than on the alien Grey DNA obtained originally from the Arcturians. The human replicas are very similar to the alien Greys and their level of functioning. They are not as intelligent in terms of command of information, but in a practical working sense are more adept with human-related activities, particularly in understanding cultural references and knowledge of human civilization, as they have the entire memory of their original human DNA source at their disposal. They lack creativity to a significant degree because that is imparted by the intuitive apparatus and the nonlocal consciousness working in partnership with the ordinary consciousness of a person. In the case of the human replicas, the conscious awareness is quite robot-like, so the individuals will be devoid of emotion and will only be able to act in certain ways through programmed instruction and training that would have to be somewhat re-learned in certain situations. The memory is there, but the ability of the consciousness, such as it is, to mount the full array of emotions is not present to an advanced degree. So there are deficits in many respects in the closeness in match to the original human.