DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWhat is the purpose for the extraterrestrials doing electromagnetic energy attacks of people?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is a general undermining. It makes people more compliant. It is a kind of dumbing down that happens and people began to lose their edge, lose their critical faculties to question and to be bothered by inconsistencies that otherwise would nag and spur the individual to find ways to reconcile them. When complacent, people will accept trivial explanations or explanations with faulty reasoning that nonetheless seem sufficient and give no reason to look further. This serves the darkness greatly in keeping the population as a whole trudging along in their pre-defined roles with little creativity and no desire to look for hidden truths or alternative explanations for the many things that happen. It is the closest thing to having a “happy pill” that prevents people from looking at problems and worrying about them. People under the influence of these energies will be slow to respond, even to emergencies, and will act like nothing has happened for a time until eventually the true urgency registers and then they will take action. In the meantime, most things slip on by without protest and that is what is desired, to keep people complacent and unquestioning of their leadership’s shortcomings.