DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWhat is keeping my client’s new baby daughter from getting settled at night?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This, indeed, is adjustment to the earth plane energies. It is awakening old karmic business and this is routine for all incoming souls who are reentering the fray. So, many old associations will be reawakened and may trigger discontent and some emotional reactions will ensue. That is enough to interfere with contentment in the moment as well as falling asleep at times and the latter will also aggravate any current emotional imbalance. This is nothing to worry about. It simply must be lived through, with the baby learning to adjust to the new environment and learning to trust the love of caregivers is there for her, and that is all that truly matters. None of this can be explained to an infant, of course, so what you are dealing with is simply an energetic reaction to the energy of karmic forces and environmental pressures that will not be understood by the infant, but are unsettling by nature. Prayer work is a good resource to call upon. There are things we can do to help her quiet down and cope. So an ongoing dialogue with us can be helpful. You can also make requests to her higher self for extra support.