DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationWhat is behind the stories of the school shooting in Sandy Hook being faked?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The stories about the killing in the school in Sandy Hook being faked are themselves faked. This is disinformation to discredit whistleblowers and to undermine their efforts to find the truth. To the extent they can be lured into believing wildly improbable scenarios, this serves to entice them to discredit themselves by signing on and then having their compatriots find reasons to see their flaws and will therefore lose esteem and credence with their peers, and others will fall away and not continue to support or believe in them. This is the purpose of this propaganda effort. It is planned. It is a cynical effort to undermine credibility, and this is true of many of the wild conspiracy theories. As you know, truth is stranger than fiction, and many seemingly improbable scenarios happen to be true and would never be believed readily by the mainstream. This does not mean all such stories are true, and that is the point here. If you cannot tell the wheat from the chaff, then you are not a reliable source of wisdom and that detracts from you altogether, as people see categorically in black or white interpretations and will tend to lose faith and discount all a person says if there is one part that shows them to have feet of clay. This is the risk people take in rushing to embrace each and every story without thinking it through and without getting further corroboration from reliable sources.