DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Genetic ManipulationsWhat guidance can you give us about sharing awareness through Get-Wisdom that the Extraterrestrial Alliance is implanting human females with extraterrestrial/human hybrids and human clones to infiltrate human society and displace us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
As you can judge from your own reaction to this revelation, this is a powerful message that will stir many to do deep thinking and soul-searching and may indeed motivate them to take action, whereas previously they might be complacent or unmoved by not seeing a connection to themselves personally by the descriptions you are providing with your interview subjects. This brings it home in a very direct way to the area of greatest concern that touches the hearts of almost all, and that is the ability to relate to mistreatment of the young. When that is the threat at hand, almost everyone will rally to the cause and there will be a hue and cry. The problem, of course, is always one of believability. That will be lacking in many people still, because they are suppressed by mind manipulation to discount all such stories about extraterrestrials and their influence as conspiracy theories that are urban myths or a deliberate hoax, when in fact the opposite is the case. It is very real, it is encroaching, and it is increasing in severity as the numbers grow. There is not much time to fritter away before things become irreversible through the momentum that has built from going on too long with no opposition. So you can use your reaction in thinking about when it might be appropriate to drop this bomb, so to speak. It might be too soon to go to the very depths and begin to discuss the very darkest aspects of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and their program, but it is something that deserves to come to light as perhaps one of the ultimate convincers that will act as a wake-up call, so to speak, for many who otherwise would follow your work with some amusement, but not feel motivated to take any particular action themselves. Each person, of course, is different and will respond in their own unique way to all the information you could bring forth and present to them. What you need is an orchestration, a strategy to plan the unfolding in the series of events you hold, where you can start from the beginning and bring forward some broader perspectives and deeper examples and insights about the dark doings, and sprinkle them in so they are not a steady diet, but people will be exposed to them. This is important because the time is too late to do handholding and softening and cushioning the message out of respect for delicate sensibilities. If people do not hear the message, they will not engage and respond with any action. It is action that is needed. There needs to be a motivator and a clear reason to do so. The more examples you can give of the seriousness of what is happening, and the importance of each human being in responding effectively as part of a broad divine solution, the quicker things can happen. You do not have the luxury of going slow. That is not to say you need to hit people between the eyes with the deepest, darkest, material at the outset. So we are proposing a gradual unfolding of these aspects after some prior preparation and conditioning to understand what is happening, and see the dimensions of it, and cultivate the awareness to the point where there is believability in the story of an extraterrestrial presence, and then begin to add more and more to the need for urgency as a part of the webinars you are offering. This builds a sense of continuity and a sense of there being a purpose behind the series, and they will see, as things unfold, it is heading in a particular direction and has much knowledge and information that is of usefulness and relevance to their own lives. This will be a powerful selling point to maintain viewership. This will continue to be the first order of business, to get the largest number of people possible, exposed to the material. As some will come only once, they will still have seeds planted if there is discussion of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the fact that people are under scrutiny and are being manipulated, and that there is a very short timeline during which human can act effectively to turn the tide. This is doing a service for the Light and for all your viewers, regardless of their personal likes and dislikes and relative sensitivity to these dark subjects. Even if people are fragile and wanting to avoid thinking about negative subjects, it is better than not, to apprise them of the problems facing humanity, even though it is a very ugly picture and creates an environment of unease and uncertainty, because the future cannot be predicted reliably here and the outcome of the next few years has the highest possible stakes.