DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersWhat caused the extreme disorientation experienced today by my client, as his mother discussed with me? Was it a marijuana induced psychosis or due to other drug use? Was it a rebound from abrupt self-withdrawal of antidepressant medication? Was it a more intense renewed spirit attack, despite having cleared him the day before yesterday?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This was a mental problem as a consequence of his continued drug use. There has not been sufficient time since your clearing, for him to reacquire attachments and have them produce a severe consequence like this in his behavior and mental functioning. Moreover, it is at extremes of degradation from long-standing spirit presence that leads to extreme mental deterioration through a state of severe delusions. He is not at that far-gone state of affairs as yet, and this need not happen if he is kept cleared, as is your plan. So he is one of the unfortunates who has been rendered more vulnerable to the liability of drug use in this way. That is the function both of his internal makeup that is the so-called gene lottery bringing about a particular risk for him, coupled with his past history of spirit manipulation of long-standing and the targeting of him as a person of interest because of his spiritual leanings and past history as a lightworker in other lifetimes. So all of this is working against him in various ways. He will continue to be his own worst enemy through continued drug use, as this is a significant vulnerability he creates for himself in more than one way by giving in to temptation. Time will tell if he can rise to the occasion and exhibit some maturity in weighing the pros and cons and making a wise choice to abstain and can stick with it. But that is what is in his best interest, especially with this episode showing the significant dangers for him in continuing his indulgence.