DWQA QuestionsCategory: Physical UniverseWhat can you tell us about giants that once lived on the American continent?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
There have been many prior strains of humans and this was for a variety of reasons, but served the development of the animal beings, and the staging and the exploration involved in working and reworking the genome to provide the optimum characteristics for another humanoid race of beings. The original purpose was for expression of animals per se, and not a divine high-level intelligence that you enjoy at present. So these were an early version, but had within the possibility to be reconfigured for other purposes as well. This has happened all through creation and is the basis for misunderstanding the evidence within the genetics of life forms as well as fossil record. The false idea that things happen in a linear fashion with branches that then branched themselves is a faulty notion. Many ideas for organisms were borrowed and repurposed to create new organisms along the way that have no linear relationship, nor did one evolve from another. This is a false idea and is yet another example of mind control manipulation to keep the scientific community focused on a secular explanation for the wonders of creation being solely a random creation of matter rubbing against matter and things happening as a consequence. The giant species have often been confused with extraterrestrials as well, as there have been some very large extraterrestrial beings out and about. The Anunnaki in particular are of large stature but they remain largely in the form of art and sculpture rather than having left remains that can be identified. They clean up after themselves in a way, to maintain secrecy about their presence and their past here as well. So these are natural creatures but are a historical artifact at this point, and do not have a large meaning in things. They are not the precursor of something that will happen again, or an important link in understanding human heritage or the extraterrestrial presence per se.