DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersWhat can we tell the mother of my client [name withheld] who is very worried about her state of mind, being closed off, despondent, going for long drives aimlessly in the middle of the night?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
We can echo what you indicated to her, that her daughter’s healing is an ongoing process, it is not a simple matter of righting the ship all at once as though it were capsized, and we could simply set it right all in one fell swoop. Her difficulties are a consequence of a long-standing state of inner corruption that has worsened through time and resulted in a true alteration of the mind. We say this not to create fear and doubt, and a sense of this being an impossible challenge to sort out. It is fully healable. It is simply that what the human creates, even because of an internal corruption and manipulation, becomes in a sense who they are and is under their control more than ours. Even though it may be misguided and faulty in its workings, it is nonetheless the person and how they see the world. So this being the case, we must work from the outer edges towards the center, so to speak, to begin to shift things and change the interlinkings one step at a time. This can be painstaking and slow in seeing transformation take place, but nonetheless is the way it must proceed. We assure you that grand healing is in the works and underway, so things will get better over time. That will not prevent ups and downs, particularly if she becomes corrupted by spirit attachments yet again, that can undo the healing for a time were it to happen. So it is indeed a risk factor and you have cautioned her about this, to watch for the signs of a worsening and to speak up, so you can come to her aid. We are working on this steadily now and this will bear fruit. Be a loving support for your daughter, and understanding that this is not her true choosing, it is an alteration no different than the infection of a limb that causes discoloration, swelling, loss of function, and may even exude pus that might be distasteful, but the drainage being necessary for an ultimate cleansing of the deep wound created by the corrupting organisms. This, in a sense, is very similar, it is a corruption of the mind and that corruption is on display in the thoughts, feelings, and actions that are truly not her own, but mirror the inner discord created. That is what needs to be readjusted and can be, so we are working on the deep level required for this, so things will need to happen over time, but we are doing all we can to support her change for the better.