DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWhat can people do to help themselves when they are in a workplace where gossip and backstabbing are commonplace? Will the temptation to fight fire with fire actually backfire because of the wheel of karma?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago

The question is precise and astute in the description and the projections of the outcome. This is one of the greatest difficulties people experience in going along with others who may be corrupted themselves and acting in undesirable ways, often because of spirit possession to corrupt them and drag them down into negative behaviors of all kinds—to be selfish, to be judgmental, to find ways to undermine others, thinking that in some way it will raise them up but ends up causing them harm in the end when they are shown to be petty and mean-spirited. Even if they seem to get away with it, there will be a karmic payback to teach them the lesson of their transgression. It may not come in time to help the first victim but what is most important to know here is to not become a perpetrator oneself.


If you are harmed by someone, that is easier to heal than if you harm someone in return; that will be a more difficult healing challenge, and the pain and suffering you experience will be significantly greater, will likely happen swifter, will be more intense and more painful, and last longer. This is because of the compounding of injury that takes place. What someone does through selfishness can be the catalyst for a series of misfortunes and the difficulty and pain that result will, in turn, harm others in the inner circle of that victim—the pain of these secondary influences will be added to the karmic debt. People who cause harm often start a chain reaction of secondary and then tertiary layers like ripples in a pond where the pain grows through reaching a number of layers of human beings who are involved with the victim in some way closely. This is little considered when people endeavor to exploit others and serve themselves, but it is a major aspect of the karmic rebalancing and the very serious nature of what people get themselves into with wrongdoing.


The way to handle being in a situation where people are gossiping, backstabbing, or backbiting, is to set a good example, and sometimes that is enough to silence others. Some may be embarrassed in seeing the contrast between themselves and someone who is clearly above that kind of conduct. There are always some who are so far gone they will ridicule someone with moral principles as a do-gooder, a bleeding heart, a softie, a patsy, or a weakling. Those are all subjective judgments from people who are corrupt and value power over wisdom. If you stand tall and maintain a moral code, you will gain respect of others, even if they ignore you or won’t let you in their circle—but keep in mind that would not serve you to be in their circle.


You are better being the odd man out, so to speak, who doesn’t fit in but is left alone and not interfered with because people have sensed there is something special about them that separates them and elevates them to some degree. They will not understand the distinction clearly nor what they might do, but their inability to meet such a person on their level does not automatically mean they will want to attack that person or undermine them. The latter does happen of course and can be among the more difficult of situations when one must work for a living and depends on their job in a difficult job market, and if their training is marginal in terms of qualifications for other employment, they may be forced to put up with a bad situation that can be quite unpleasant and even a serious risk for their own safety and happiness in working with people who are corrupted and view anyone normal as an easy target for ridicule and a target for their inner anger and discontent.


As in all things, standing strong, following proper conduct to treat people with respect alongside expecting to be treated with respect, will be the best defense. Any kind of retribution will almost certainly escalate things and this is how karmic forces can really get out of hand. When you engage in a spitting contest, you will not come away clean, you will be a loser even if you seem to best the other party. It is like the soldier who helps win the battle but dies of their wounds—what have they accomplished personally? They are not even here any longer to glory in their service. Taking the higher ground is good practice, a good habit to cultivate, and will reap many dividends in gaining the respect of others and will help you find your way and seek better opportunities if you should find yourself in an unhealthy environment.