DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceWhat can people do to enhance their career while maintaining a spiritual alignment?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
Holding a high vibration, one of loving-kindness, will enable you to be filled with divine energy. There is no greater force for change, and in a good way, than Creator’s love energy. It is the driving force of the universe, the creative force behind everything, and it is the source of healing and upliftment that all seek to have—everyone wanting betterment of their circumstances seeks the joy and satisfaction it will bring. That is an actual demonstration of the loving energy in motion. When one has achieved a hard‑won goal, the flow of love and light come in from Creator because the person has created a circumstance calling it forth. It is not a direct, conscious, willful act of the Almighty, as one would hand out a blue ribbon in a contest among people, it is an automatic energetic allowing for the divine energy always available to everyone. It is not the fault of the divine if much of the time people are closed off to love because their mood is dark, they live in fear, they live in doubt and worry, all of which lowers them and lowers their sights and blocks the flow of love and light through them to some degree. This weakens the person, reducing their effectiveness and their reach. The antidote is to seek an active partnership, knowing this will strengthen and raise you up and is a prescription for joy in the doing. Few things are as satisfying and uplifting as knowing you are walking hand in hand with the Almighty, that you are loved deeply and cared about deeply, and can be helped again, and again, and again for the asking as long as you feel worthy and believe in the divine. This is what prayer is designed to do. So, in addition to being mindful of your energy, your state of being, and your awareness of your spiritual origin and the presence of the divine within you, you can make direct requests for divine assistance, guidance, support, healing, and protection. There is no limit to what you can request nor how often—you will not wear Creator out. If you have selfish motives, they will not be honored and acted upon because in catering to those desires, it will take away from something or someone else, and that will not be done by the divine realm. The divine always looks for a win-win situation where all can gain in some way so there are no winners and losers per se, but rather a win-win. The end result might still appear unequal in some regard but that is simply a function of the energy, and many times someone will need to settle for less if they are slower to act, less efficient, not as committed, nor energetic and effective in the actions they take because they have not acquired the requisite skill, lack the passion, or have made some kind of tactical error that delays their participation, or misdirects things along the way to cause a loss of momentum. In other words, people engineer their success or failure according to the choices they make in response to the opportunity present in the moment. By interacting with the world, what happens will be a consequence of what they bring within themselves to the task at hand, the intention they hold, the desires that are the springboard for action and a myriad of decisions made about where, when, how, and why they are doing something or choosing not to. The energy will flow or be restricted and this always changes the universe in some way. This figures into karma, which is simply a reassignment of energies to fill any vacuum that is created by a person, and in this we speak of a vacuum with respect to love primarily. This is good to use as a guiding principle because it reminds everyone that if love is the goal, anything of an unpleasant or dark nature will inherently be destructive or a negative influence at some level, to some degree. That is a tip-off one will likely, in the end, lose in the transaction at hand. This is exactly what karma is designed to require—restoration and rebalancing—and your name will be on the history of all that took place to create a deficit.