DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWhat activities do Reptilian psychics engage in to influence the earth plane and how do their activities differ from those of the Anunnaki psychics?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The Reptilians, as you know, engage with the dark spirits in the same way as Anunnaki. They have their own particular agenda within the activities of the broad plans of Extraterrestrial Alliance. There is a division of responsibilities and so the tasks requested of the dark spirits by Reptilians may differ somewhat from those of the Anunnaki but the overall aim, to commandeer them to create a target and a targeted agenda to be applied, is done by both species of extraterrestrials but for somewhat varied objectives. So the main difference between the Reptilians and the Anunnaki in terms of the psychic involvement is that the Anunnaki are very heavily involved in cultivating spiritual leaders among human culture and all the channelers. They wish to insert themselves and do, and are almost uniformly successful at this which we have told you many times before. The Reptilians do much less of this because they have less patience and are not as willing to subsume themselves into the cultural trappings of mere humans with their silly ideas, and primitive, childish, wishful thinking. So they are less inclined to take that role, and leave that to the Anunnaki to mind the human spiritual community. They are more likely to be involved in doing psychic work with people in the Mercenary Army Program who are back in civilian status, but need incentives and a checkup or a reeling-back-in if they have begun to stray from the orders given to remain separate and to not have curiosity about their prior doings, or the topic itself of extraterrestrials and their significance. Human curiosity being what it is, to have such an intense personal involvement and then keep it suppressed totally from awareness while off duty, is a tall order and not always successful. That curiosity can, in turn, get out of hand and begin to open memory traces that will surface and be concerning because of their strange and often violent nature. It is simply the deep subconscious wanting safety and to be rescued from future torment it fears may come again because it sees the tortures it has been subjected to with the harsh training involved. So the minding of the military, the Mercenary Army Program survivors, is largely done by Reptilians and this keeps them fairly busy. They are also involved with influencing living humans who may be involved in some way in the actions of the Mercenary Army Program in carrying out missions and may need a softening up of people in a certain area, or for targeted subjects to be manipulated and maneuvered into position to be abducted, or to be killed, or subjected to some other direct or indirect influence. So they are, in a sense, scouts who are participating in the training and deployment of the Mercenary Army minions. They also assist the alien Greys in their abduction efforts when there are higher-level needs to carry out particular functions. So they will carry out various types of inner programming. They will deal with unruly humans, programming them to maintain secrecy, or to frighten the people, and so on. They are more skillful than the alien Greys themselves. So the alien Grey can manipulate a person readily, but there is a limit to what they can convince them to believe because they are so different from human, being a soulless being. The Reptilian can much better understand the inner motivations and the nuances of human behavior, and so they are more sophisticated and more powerful and effective in overseeing abductions for purposes of education, or programming to carry out more complex intentions for the abducted victims. These are the major distinctions. The Arcturians are psychic as well, and they are also involved with the abductions on many occasions and serve as overseers and do support the agenda of the Extraterrestrial Alliance in directing the alien Greys, and this keeps them quite busy because of the very large number involved. There are thousands of missions going on at any one moment, and so this is a huge enterprise and requires oversight, so this is the primary preoccupation of the physical Arcturians.