DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialWe’ve been told about the Divine Rules of Engagement in great detail since Karl began conversing with Archangels. But we’re of the understanding that an “Ascended Earth” and an “Ascended Humanity” will come into possession of, and be able to engage the universe with, a NEW set of rules of engagement. Can Creator give us a breakdown of the major differences if this is indeed the case?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The idea for this is quite simple, but heretofore you have not experienced living in a place and state of being where this is operating successfully. It is somewhat like being dropped into the deep end of a swimming pool when your only life experience is with wading in shallow bodies of water, but do not know how to swim, so that greater reach and freedom is actually a liability that can destroy you without having the wherewithal to understand and utilize that as an opportunity. It is difficult for you to understand freedom because if you are safe from evil influence at the moment, on the part of others, you are still trapped in physical limitation. You can only walk so fast, run so far, jump so high, live so long, and must care and feed the body, have air to breathe, shelter from the elements, and so on. Much of your existence is working to overcome the energetic demands that would take away or threaten you if not attended to in a timely way. That is part of your learning, to know the contrast posed by limitation and lack and limited power and authority. In a sense, the Law of Karma is much like that in having a powerful influence and constraint on all light beings. There are rules about where you go and when, what you can do, and what will happen if you overstep boundaries influencing something in a negative fashion with your energy. That will not only be noticed instantly but will result in a corrective measure that happens very, very quickly and can be quite unpleasant. In a sense, who you are will be visibly on display. Because your punishment will be visible to all, there will be no place to hide, in effect, to be like an imposter, because your energy will always be noticed, and if you attempted a deception that would be discovered and then need to be reckoned with and, at a minimum, would be an embarrassment. So, in a sense, you already have enjoyed greater freedom in having the Law of Karma in abeyance to not provide a continual feedback. You have had a semblance of that at the hands of others who will react if you harm them in some way, and that can certainly be unpleasant and a corrective influence, the problem being even that may be slow in coming and the energy behind it mounting all the while with someone harboring resentment, and that building into a grudge, and result in great harm to you if unleashed and you are unable to cope with or dispel that, through an act of attrition, and be forgiven. So what we are talking about is there will be a relaxation of consequences throughout the universe to allow greater individual freedom. So, in a sense, it will not be so different to you, and that is what you have been practicing all along with your time in the physical earth plane, living under relaxed rules in terms of the automatic energetic enforcement of standards. The unfortunate development within the Milky Way Galaxy was the rise of evil with too many being tempted to take advantage of what they could get away with and develop ways to deceive others, hide their wrongdoing, exploit others surreptitiously to gain an advantage, to serve themselves, and so on. Whole cultures have adopted ways of being that are substandard, in being out of divine alignment, a coarsening, a cheapening of life. Eventually, there is a karmic consequence for that but, as sensitive spiritual beings, you will feel quite keenly being mistreated and the experiencing of that without outside help to rein in a perpetrator, for example, to save you, has been a harsh lesson you have endured again and again and again through the ages with multiple reincarnations living amongst sources of evil influence on your fellow human beings and yourself included. You have learned what it is like to think like a perpetrator and to act as a perpetrator at times. So, in a sense, your existence will be only different in having greater power and influence than ever before but, given you have unlimited possibilities available to you, we expect that your experiencing of negativity, and the consequences of evil, will serve as a reminder of the value of staying in divine balance so you can self-correct any transgression before the consequences grow. If you nip things in the bud before they become truly serious, that will only help strengthen you further and add to your wisdom and effectiveness, and that will bring the possibility of being able to do even grander things, with even greater reach, because you will learn your way along knowing bad things can happen, so you will be on the watch for them and you will see them coming and react quickly, knowing how to counter them from within yourself rather than relying on the guardrails from the Law of Karma to take care of the problem. You will have a level of understanding and maturity that could be gained in no other way than living it and suffering the consequences to oneself directly. This is the silver lining in having so many lifetimes of adversity, being victimized by neglect, prejudice, and the selfish choices of those having an advantage and serving themselves at your expense. What you have been doing all along is learning how to live in a state of perfection but doing it the hard way in an environment that perpetually kept you out of reach of your goal. What will change is the removal of evil as an influence. You will be defining the rules of engagement in what you wish to see happen, and how you make course corrections and readjustment of things along the way to head off trouble, to keep things in balance so you are living according to divine principles, to raise up the self but with no harm to others and to raise up others with no harm to the self—that is true divinity in the art of living. Who better to decide how to conduct such a life than one who has lived and seen the worst of what can happen but who has been raised up, through healing, so they are not condemned to repeat it but hold within the wisdom to choose, always, a wiser path that will take you wherever you wish to go but with benefit to all as a built-in consequence that will always be raising you up and not diminishing you in a way that would lead to suffering?