DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingWere the past life scenes we resolved using subconscious channeling for our client involving her late husband from this life?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This indeed is the case. Both of the tragic lives where the husband died prematurely leaving her to fend for herself and deal with a difficult aftermath, were with the current life husband who recently passed. That is the reason they were so potent in adding greater difficulty to her feelings following his passing unexpectedly. It is a karmic setup from first to last to put the two of them in exactly this circumstance. Her healing this will help her in the future avoid the need to replay the drama, and will help heal him as well, because his portion in this is more to serve her need to heal what happened to her than for him to heal from the effect of leaving prematurely. While this was due to his own prior karmic issues, because it resulted in a fairly rapid onset of difficulty and a death that was not expected on his part, the overall trauma was relatively minor. So his karmic need to repeat this is really in service to her, to give her the opportunity to work on healing the painful circumstances she went through and to right the wrongs that took place that continue to haunt and re-echo.