DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWe were told on one occasion that healing increases in scope with human awareness of all that is needed, that to do a diagnostic assessment makes our requests to the divine realm more specific and more powerful as a consequence. Yet, on another occasion, we were told we can do a reasonable-sized group of clients all together with our Lightworker Healing Protocol, without probing the details of what may be needed for each one as the divine realm knows the ins and outs and will do whatever is needed. How do we reconcile the seeming conflict here?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The two are not really a discrepancy. What is important about the first set of teachings was that it is important to identify the potential issues as needing to be examined and searched for—much as a doctor will order a test panel of diagnostic measurements on a blood sample, he will not send the blood to the lab and ask a technician to look at it and see if it looks alright. There will be very precise determinations done to test for a series of constituents, to establish their concentration or presence in some way, and then compare to a repository of normal ranges for presence and levels as an indication of well-being or a deviation for some reason in physiologic function. You have done this by constructing your Protocol to include a very comprehensive list of human ills categorically by the nature of the misalignment, or contamination, or manipulation that may be ongoing, including many types of karmic entanglements that may be rumbling energetically and causing all manner of difficulties, including severe chronic illness. Having established the diagnostic categories, it is not necessary for you to do the lab work and go in and test the blood sample yourself personally and see the precise level of each of the many constituents to be examined. You can leave that part to the divine laboratory workers, so to speak, to go in and assess the applicability of each Protocol step to the individual client or group of clients and assess them in detail, and trace down the origins, and carry out healing in the most appropriate way, given the array of healing choices in the Protocol requests themselves. And this will fully arm the spirit team to do the very best work in seeing to what is needed. So this is not a discrepancy, but a case of apples and oranges. Both aims are important and are addressed in the way you operate as a healer in facilitating the employment of divine solutions for your clients. You need not agonize over each individual insult to the person, and trace its origin, and explore the history and the point of origin. Those are optional explorations that can be rewarding in terms of understanding. And your many examples will be quite helpful for people, in general, to appreciate the work and see the connections as they apply to ordinary human dilemmas and the interplay of karmic forces carrying those energies across time and having a real impact in the physical that matters. But this does not need to be done for each and every client to create that depth of understanding by the practitioner. If the practitioner has the luxury of time to do such an exploration they will be rewarded, and will have a sense of satisfaction from being “in the know,” and will gain much knowledge and insight. And this, in fact, is how you have established the Protocol, by doing such probing and then seeking the best possible solution for the array of difficulties you witnessed personally within many, many individual clients. And this led you to stimulate your creativity and seek divine inspiration as well, to hone the Protocol and its methods and to bring them to a high level that matches how the divine realm itself heals.