You are learning here in this discussion that there were two aspects to the energetics of the dinosaurs and accompanying species on the Earth during their era. Their physical makeup required a different kind of energetics to fuel the bodily metabolism in order to support such massive bodies and engage in locomotion and other behaviors necessary for survival. But the high-level energetics allowing the gigantic sized bodies of multiple species inhabiting the world during that period was also in keeping with the energetics of Gaia that suffered greatly from the annihilation of the first human colony and many of the life forms in existence during that era.
This was a massive wholesale slaughter of countless life forms with a savagery that was unparalleled during Earth’s history. The end result was a tremendous wounding of Gaia, the soul of Gaia itself, and the legacy of a tremendous body of negative energies needing to be processed and cleansed. That was done through the consciousness of the replacement species, including the dinosaurs, to work through the karmic consequences of what had befallen the Earth, including the destruction of its life-giving solar body and the removal of much of its life-giving fresh water by first having been poisoned with a high salt content by the Anunnaki and then sequestered in another location in space with devastating consequences for life on the planet.
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