DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWe know the Lightworker Healing Protocol attempts to dissolve soul contracts and karmic connections to extraterrestrials across all time domains. How can it undo an abduction to heal it but leave the memory in an experiencer?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
The truth of things is, it is not so literal in the actual workings. The life you experience firsthand is in fact real. You are present in a physical setting as a physical expression of energy and everything counts. Everything does truly happen as you see and experience it, and that is recorded and will have an interplay with many others who were participating or witnesses or brought that existence into being that you are living. All are interconnected and therefore influenced indirectly by everything. This is quite true and quite meaningful in ways that are difficult to comprehend for you, but all are in a kind of stew, and all know when more salt is added, when some ingredient is left out, and all other local and broad effects will have an interplay with every constituent in the mix. When we do a healing for a past lifetime or current life abduction, it is done for all parties. It is done for the person abducted as well as the beings inflicting this intrusion. This does not erase its existence as an event. The event has still occurred and is on record. What is healed is the energetic signature of the event within the akashic record. This is the major utility of the akashic records. It is a repository of energetic signatures for all happening throughout the universe. In order to alter the energetics of this reality, there must be a healing applied to the energetic signature of what one desires to heal. That is what brings the healing about and how it is felt and how it translates into current reality in the form of relief. It is not erasing the reality of the event taking place, it is changing the energetic signature of what takes place, and then the pain no longer is transmitted along with the memory of what happened and the stored account of what took place. So it will be seen as a healed event and one no longer needing to be agonized over or re-experienced in some way or be rebalanced in some way, which otherwise would cause anyone accessing that record to have a consequence if they had some part to play. So in this energetic signature is recorded the relative responsibility for all involved in its creation. So this is why even lifetimes later, someone may bump into a reawakening of that prior experience in the form of a need for healing or rebalancing, and as a consequence go through a similar experience themselves or have an involvement to help someone else in some way out of a similar dilemma at some cost. And this is the rebalancing in action, not always to suffer again, but to do an act of kindness that repays the debt another way. This is all orchestrated through the akashic record energy signatures and will be acting as a direct influence on all parties. The reactivation is a function of access and proximity. Life will bring people back into proximity with prior perpetrators or victims, and this will reawaken the karmic signatures within the akashic records and begin to orchestrate an interplay where the participants will come together and do a kind of dance to revisit the prior event in some way, if only symbolically, or in a metaphoric sense, and there will be restitution at the end of the day to heal or rebalance things. This happens automatically on multiple levels on a constant basis, where the energies of karma are swirling about and influencing every person in one way or another. It also governs human interactions and how people feel about one another and engage with them or not, depending on those feelings. It is coming largely from past karmic events that inform each person about their fellows and gives them inner guidance about whether to trust or avoid, how deeply to engage, how generous to be, whether to open one’s heart to become closer, and so forth. So the healing is complicated and will be governed by these factors and this is what will make it unavoidable to reckon with.