DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionWe know the interlopers, from the fallen angelics to the extraterrestrials, and even some humans, have an almost insatiable bloodlust. The bloodlust seems to be a distorted hunger of the ego. In the same way that the Lightworker Healing Protocol asks that negative energy be transformed from malevolent to benevolent, can bloodlust be similarly transformed upon request? Can the craving be divinely altered? If such cravings were reduced or transformed, would the silent voice of the long-ignored conscience have a chance to re-emerge?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
While this idea might seem simplistic to many, and wishful thinking at most, we can tell you that this is exactly what the divine realm works to accomplish each and every day in responding to the many prayer requests, as well as practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, asking for all beings to be raised up through healing, to right the wrongs of history, and repair the karmic underpinnings responsible for all forms of negativity. Bloodlust is simply an example of the kind of depraved seeking of a reward in order to feel satisfaction and self-pride. One who is a psychopath is unable to respond to positive feelings or generate them in the first place. Their only source of pleasure is feeling power over others because they will see that as having an elevated and even lofty status enabling them to feel superior and self-gratified that pursuit of power is paying off. This is a slippery slope because extremes of power serving the self must inevitably involve loss to others and result in their diminishment, or even suffering, and it is at the extremes of suffering caused to others that bloodlust serves as a reward for the depraved, heartless, psychopathic dark spirits and physical extraterrestrials present in your world and running things from behind the scenes. The only way forward is to heal them, so they can withdraw and leave you alone, so you can catch up with your own karmic repair and healing without a continuous headwind of new problems heaped upon you relentlessly through the manipulation of your world. The ultimate and most elegant healing solution for bloodlust is its transmutation, from negative to positive, to use its energy for healing instead of harm. After all, a reward to a being feeling bloodlust, provided by an act of savagery that literally makes blood flow, if transformed to another kind of reward, can begin a process of restoration and renewal that over time will help them recover an ability to have normal feelings through an opening of the connection to the flow of divine love. So at first, as a tactic, the divine might stroke the ego in some other way, in lieu of bloody carnage being acted out by a perpetrator but, being a lesser of evils, can begin an acclimation through substitution of better strategies and outcomes to literally, "tame the beast," to seek more gentle choices that are nonetheless a benefit and over time become an expectation rather than a rarity with little influence to change things for the better. It is not simple to heal psychopaths, but nothing is beyond the reach of the divine with enough human intention to launch the healing effort as fuel. The end reward and ultimate solution is a restoration of the link to the divine realm within the interlopers, so they are reconnected fully to their higher selves with a restoration of conscience to provide a self‑regulating mechanism to help them stay in better divine alignment—that is quite a contrast but an important goal that will raise up everyone and everything in need of healing.