DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsWe know the deep subconscious is the principal repository of hidden and not consciously recognized beliefs. How much is conscious belief built on a substrate of unconscious beliefs? When someone says, “I am an Atheist,” as an expression of their belief that God does not exist, can such a conscious belief survive if Deep Subconscious Memory Reset changed the underlying unconscious beliefs underpinning the conscious ones? Can the divine even change the underlying beliefs if the conscious mind has embraced a summation or capstone of the underlying beliefs?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Your complex question illustrates quite nicely that this is a complex issue, a multicomponent array of differing mind levels, each with functional roles and comprising a portion of your being, and will influence a range of things accordingly. But no one level can manage to do everything nor can it protect the other levels or heal them because the mind itself has been distorted, through manipulation done long ago, through genetic modification. That has left the largest part of your mind, what your channel has discovered in the form of "The Deep Subconscious," cut off from conscious awareness entirely. It is an unknown part of your mind within you, nor can your deep subconscious reach and influence the conscious level because of this disconnect. This leads to all kinds of complications as well as limitations in how you function, and the nature of issues that arise, because so much of your consciousness is a kind of orphan stranded on an island. Its reach is more powerful intuitively than other levels of the mind and it can see the akashic records of all you have lived in other lifetimes, but this only leads to concern and worry, fearing bad times will come again because historically everyone has lived many difficult lives and has the wounds to prove it. The deep subconscious can be in quite a state of fear and other negative emotions, but it does have a link to the body physically, to produce feelings, and this explains why so many have angst, or existential anxiety, and many as well have quite serious levels of difficulty with their emotions being in a state of severe chronic anxiety, or even depression, without having a clue many times why that would be so. There are many assumptions made through the assistance of psychologists probing to find out what someone's life is like, and then guiding them to see associations that provide a rational explanation for their emotional struggle. Many times those assumptions are just wrong because they are only looking at surface concerns while being completely unaware of the deep subconscious and all that it is wrestling with. So this also illustrates why the understanding of the workings of the mind have been such a mystery and inexplicable, because of the irregularities primarily, that the mind is volatile and unpredictable largely, and people seem to be so neurotic such that very, very few are considered normal by psychologists but simply in varying states of disarray for which they have developed ways to compensate so they can get along in society. So what you are touching on here, in bringing into the open this complicated picture of multiple levels of the mind, and a division of labor, goes beyond that to really be, in some ways, divisive and a fractionation of the being into functional components that may or may not even be on the same page. This changes everything because one level of the mind can harbor beliefs not held by other levels of the mind. So, depending on which level of the mind is uppermost and running things at the moment, those beliefs it accesses will determine how things go, but inevitably there will arise inner conflicts, as differing levels of the mind weigh in about what might be going on, and doing planning, and reacting to unfolding life events, particularly when there are challenges and stressful circumstances. Because the mind is not a smooth-running integrated system but comprised of somewhat separate compartments, there will be a bumpy ride because things will not go seamlessly and smoothly. So this has many practical consequences, where someone can have a belief about something on a conscious level that differs from what is believed deep within, and it is ironic that some of the most troubled individuals are troubled more on the conscious level than within the deep subconscious, the largest part of the mind. Yet, because the conscious self is what a person perceives, the thoughts and beliefs underlying them become all-important because they will govern moment-to-moment decisions that determine the course of life events, for the most part, and that can be quite limiting because the conscious awareness is such a small part of the being. It is largely working from information from the upper subconscious, floated to it from both short-term and long-term memory, as well as beliefs to guide and shape the thoughts that come. So there is an overall intention perceived by the conscious self to some degree but this, too, is largely subconscious and only witnessed and experienced by the conscious mind, not as the originator but as the recipient of what the overall consciousness has decided will happen, if only milliseconds before, depending on what particular thought one might pick to analyze and illustrate the workings of perception. The reality is that much of what comprises your being is stored close at hand in cellular memory within the brain. This is not the largest repository of memory, but it is a very practical and important part of your makeup because it is the first go-to in conducting thinking and acting on your intentions. So, important ideas and important information will be housed more in an accessible way within the cellular consciousness for ready reference, and this adds to efficiency. The problem becomes when that cellular memory develops faulty beliefs about things it struggles with and perhaps cannot manage well. When things get out of hand, they may get out of control as well. Many false assumptions and faulty thinking as well will occur at the level of cellular memory because sometimes negative experiences are taken to heart and become emblazoned on that memory bank, being ranked as quite important because of their impact. And, if poorly understood, false conclusions may be made about what has happened and why, and that begins a process of distortion of reality that can grow and worsen over time. This is how much human prejudice gets started and can grow over time to become a major driving force and agenda, and it also explains why it is a force to reckon with because it is not simply a choice, it is a belief system and beliefs are definitive, they rule your definition of reality, and it is not possible to go against them for any length of time. People who are delusional are acting on faulty beliefs stored largely in cellular consciousness, while on deeper levels of the mind their thinking may well be much clearer and even normal. So this is a complicated arena and discussion, both, but we are simply wanting to illustrate there are very important issues to be understood in order to advance as a species, and particularly help oneself overcome personal problems and challenges of all kinds, and this will point the way to better answers for self-improvement as well as improvement of society in general.