DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsWe heard that my client’s mother passed away two nights ago. Is she safely in the light, or in need of some additional effort by me with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
As you saw intuitively, she has not yet decided to go with the light callers, but she is in communication with them and that is usually the turning point. There can be a need for some time for the troubled spirit to rest and for the healing work to continue helping to raise their vibration to make them truly ready to ascend to the light. And that is quite understandable, considering all the many things that have happened that conspire to keep them earthbound following the death of the body, and often having torment thereafter while in limbo from being further disoriented. For many experience going from bad to worse on their passing because they lose the ability to articulate thoughts through the brain, as they are used to, and the intuitive reach is still at a rudimentary level and often has been quite neglected to the point of inaction. So there is little to work with as a starting point for the rescuers who, as light callers, attempt to bridge the gap. It is like calling out to someone without hearing, who is looking the other way and is on the other side of a fence. If you cannot get their attention, they will be oblivious and unreachable. That breakthrough was afforded by the Lightworker Healing Protocol to set the stage for this moment, to help groom her for her passing in preparation for her eventual demise that everyone knew was coming because of her health condition, but she was dreading so and resisting her fate. This moderated and allowed her to begin to relax her struggle somewhat, but still she was geared to hang on in a way that was not truly necessary or in her best interest. So her passing is a blessing, finally, to come about and we expect things will proceed well from here. If you check on her from time to time, you will see that she makes it to the light without the need for an additional session on your part. In the meantime, she is quite safe because she is being protected and is under Divine watch, so she will not be harmed or threatened by anything. And as we told you, with some recuperation things will then begin to pick up speed and proceed to the fully successful rescue that was anticipated.