This is not a limitation or constraint, and the reason, as we just showed you in your mind, is you are not talking to her, you are talking to the deep subconscious through the translation mechanism we provide. This can translate child-speak into intelligible adult words and sentences. This will sidestep the problem of communication from an inexperienced being who is very, very, young still. So you will do just fine because what she sees in pictures, for instance, we will translate into words for you, and this you will see as you do the session. This, in fact, opens up an entire new chapter into your work as you are also seeing, for this allows the process to be done even on infants newly arrived from the womb and will be just as effective accordingly. The ability to translate the most primitive of thoughts is routine and you see this as you channel other forms of life, and this will become more and more apparent as you explore those avenues and add to your experience.
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