DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsWe are getting ever closer to the November 5th election in the US. Is it possible that we might be taken back in time at the 11th hour by the ETs, to carry out the power outages?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
We cannot rule this out. In fact, it has already happened. You have come this close before and gone back in time. We understand this is very difficult for people to believe as it requires a leap of faith in the absence of direct evidence, or memory of having already lived this time segment previously. Yet we can assure you this is very much the case. What has been taking place with prior plans and projected timelines that did not materialize has been exactly this kind of revisiting the past to rearrange things more to the liking of the extraterrestrials before they pull the trigger on something that is highly consequential. This is why large-scale and highly impactful events end up being delayed many times, by going back into the past to restart alternative strategies. This allows them to take a do-over before committing to a manipulation. But that do-over does not guarantee their adjustment of things will work out any better than what was happening initially before they pulled the plug and decided to go back into the past and make adjustments. That is the complexity of life and the interconnectedness of everything being quite a challenge to ride herd on, in order to have a desired outcome. Sometimes, there can be a second or even third repeat of a time segment to get things the way they wish to see them develop. That can also lengthen the retrospective manipulation window, as a failed second attempt might need a greater period of time, starting at an even earlier timepoint for the repeat segment to be launched, because additional time enables a more complex and slowly developing strategy to play out. As you might imagine, this adds further complexity and difficulty for keeping things on track and monitoring and adjusting for the changes that happen. It is not uncommon that learning through experience what is needed to bring things about in the most effective way for their plans to be successful takes more time than expected. So that is a real world sequence of events explaining why an expected happening fails to take place, and that is why the timetable for the tidal power outages has slipped back and slipped again, in order to accommodate all of the tinkering deemed advisable for the strategic optimization by the interlopers. We do not see this causing much continued delay now, because they have put maximum effort into most of what they have been doing because you are in the end times, and everything represents a high-stakes undertaking.