DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaWas the reason that [name withheld] had several cancer remissions from divine healing, but eventually succumbed to a reoccurrence of cancer due to the fact that our protocols at that time were not focused on virus removal effectively enough? What can you tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
This is an important and quite correct insight you can see now with your greater understanding of the dynamics of cancer causation, and reoccurrence many times, despite medical intervention that is effective enough for its eradication, seemingly. You know now that the reason for relapses, even years later, is quite often due to a causal chronic virus, still being harbored in the body despite medical treatment, which will rekindle a malignant tumor at some point and the patient will be back, once again, fighting for their life. That was true for your client. Her stage IV cancer was cleared. You worked on her and then did not get any feedback and feared the worst at that time, not having great confidence such a late-stage severe condition could be countered in time. When she contacted you over a year later about some other healing need, you were shocked she was still alive, but it was, in fact, due to the healing you provided. The stars were aligned as well with respect to her spiritual nature and openness to divine assistance. Unfortunately, her karmic predisposition and vulnerability to chronic viruses meant that we were unable to fully eradicate the original causal virus infection and that remained within her at a low level and finally caused a resurgence of cancer. That too, was ameliorated, but eventually, there was a relapse that was more aggressive than ever and she herself felt she needed to be done and over with her life at that point, and then surrendered. If your current protocols were available years ago with that client, the virus could have been removed completely. But the timing was not right. You can be assured that you did all you could and it was quite effective, indeed, given the circumstances. And that is often true of healing, even with the best and most optimized protocol possible, that in some cases there will not be time enough to undo a karmic penalty in the form of a fatal illness in time to save them. Every individual story is different and the limitations of the physical plane sometimes will win out in controlling things.