DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlWas the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick an orchestrated conspiracy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to sideline Ted Kennedy, and if so, how were the people involved manipulated?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This was a conspiracy. It was orchestrated from first to last with many of the details seen to through mind control manipulation. The fact that he was there at this gathering was orchestrated. The timing was chosen so that there would be a group of young females, and he was manipulated, as was she, to be attracted to one another, so they would spend time together. And also, to drink heavily to further distort perception and increase vulnerability and reduce good judgment was another orchestration. So, in the final trip by car, the impulse to make a wrong turn was a deliberate manipulation, without awareness of what happened registering on the conscious awareness of Kennedy, who was behind the wheel. And his attention was further distracted, resulting in the car going off the bridge, by failing to see the twist in the road in time, thinking he was truly headed in the other direction as his cover story said. When the car landed in the water, he was impulsed with the thought she was already dead. He did not witness that but was distraught, confused, disoriented, and heavily manipulated to confound his thinking. And so in his perception, once he made an attempt to reenter the car, he himself believed she was gone, and then the problem at hand became what should he do next. In this, as well, he was met with a mind filled with confusion and conflicting notions. He attempted to get some help from his acolytes, but they, as well, were heavily inebriated and were not thinking clearly, and so used to following him and his whims, could not step into a leadership role and act decisively on what needed doing, and so were rendered ineffectual after all, because they willingly became subordinate to Kennedy's confused state of mind and lack of decisive leadership in that experience. This is what proved fatal then, because no one took the steps that could have saved the young woman—out of fear, the need for secrecy to protect Kennedy's reputation because of the political stakes involved, and so on. This is quite understandable in being part of a world where the press has enormous power to destroy anything in its path given sufficient salacious material to work with, even if it's not true but only has the semblance of inappropriate conduct. The entire episode of Kennedy taking no decisive action for hours after the accident itself was further intended to box him in through negligence—leaving him not only culpable, but engaging in a clear attempt to avoid responsibility, if not a criminal negligence, in trying to hide the truth of what happened. He was assisted through his inner character to come clean in the end and step forward with an admission of involvement and personal responsibility, and gave a fairly accurate account, as best he could, of what actually took place, other than to be kind to the others involved and not fan the flame of speculation and titillation about other events of that evening and those present. What the public failed to realize was that this was a set-up from first to last, designed to put him in an embarrassing and politically untenable situation that would tarnish his reputation to an extent that could not be salvaged. This, as it turned out, was a factor in his long-term plans to be President of the United States. Although it did not prevent him from reentering politics, it was nonetheless an issue of tremendous pain and went a long way to undermining his desire and conviction to take on the stress of a punishing presidential campaign knowing there would be endless mention of this seeming lapse of judgment as well as other events involving personal conduct—many of which were similarly orchestrated through manipulation of his emotions and his sexual feelings. This is a tool used again and again and again, and is frequently on display, that somehow people are unable to keep their sexual doings out of the news and within the home where their marital vows would seemingly prevent straying, particularly where a good public reputation is paramount. That was the case here as well, and worked effectively enough to change history in the desired direction to keep another Kennedy out of ultimate power.