DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessWas that practitioner’s dreamwork analogous to how the divine realm works with the deep subconscious to revisit trauma experiences of parallel lives and change the energetic signature within the akashic records, as currently requested by the LHP? Or might this notion be an inspiration to couple the request for higher self and Creator to work with the deep subconscious to heal what is highest and best, while bringing in a lucid dream-like visitation of the scene of the crime to rework what happened and change the energetic consequences? Would this add helpful specificity as a request?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
What she was accomplishing and experiencing was a novel way for her to affect a repair by herself. The use of lucid dreams enabled her non-local consciousness the greatest latitude to reach into other timelines and have an awareness with feedback in order to experience what could take place, and to impinge on the outreach of consciousness the needed instructions to see something different happen to bring situations into a state of resolution and better balance. That is what brings healing, but that is not the way the divine realm will bring about healing for the deep subconscious for past traumas. The imposition of a dream state foray is unnecessary and in actuality, a kind of additional complication. So the spirit team can work with the deep subconscious directly and help to facilitate a reworking directly with the akashic records through the ability of the deep subconscious to make such connections itself. This will not be perceived at all on a conscious level and that is what your client was describing, that by doing the exercise while lucid dreaming, she maintained a conscious awareness through the gateway allowing dream experiences to be perceived at a conscious level and was, in effect, through this process, bridging the two realms of the deep subconscious and the conscious self. When the spirit team comes in to work with the deep subconscious, there is no need to have the conscious self in tow, and in many cases that would only complicate things, especially when doing work for third parties, and for many people with limited understanding of what they are truly struggling with. There are dangers of actually causing trauma, to make the conscious self suddenly aware of the catastrophes occurring in other lifetimes. So what is in the Protocol is just fine for the task at hand, to bring about trauma resolution and belief replacement work as well, as facilitated by the divine realm in its own way working directly with the subconscious, and will be effective.